What is Medical Massage? 

Medical Massage is result oriented and the treatment is specifically directed to resolve conditions that have been diagnosed and prescribed by a Physician. The therapist may use a variety of modalities or procedures during the treatment, but will focus the Medical Massage treatment only on the areas of the body related to the diagnosis and prescription. The Medical Massage Therapist encourages communication and guidance from your Physician, Physical Therapist and/or Chiropractor.

Medical Massage is prescribed by Physicians for Specific injury and/or physical conditions.

Requires Prescription from doctor.

Some treatments may be covered by your insurance.


What are the benefits of Medical Massage Therapy?


1. Releases tight and sore muscles which can cause Ischemia (Ischemia: A lack of blood supply to soft tissues.)

2. Helps relieve nerve compression or entrapment. (Pressure on a nerve by soft tissue, cartilage or bone, which can contribute to muscle atrophy, referred pain, and conditions.)

3. Deactivates Myofascial Trigger Points (Trigger Points: Areas of high neurological activity, which refer pain to other parts of the body.)

4. Decreases Pain And Inflammation:   Massage can restore suppleness and strength to your muscles, improving their overall function.

5. Alleviates Stress and Improves Circulation.

6. Increases Flexibility And Range Of Motion.

7. Calms The Nervous System: The nervous system is your communication network, sending messages constantly that determine proper functioning throughout your body. Stress can affect the ability of the nervous system to do its job. The many nerve endings found in the skin and muscles are soothed by massage, and this contributes to keeping your internal lines of communication open and operational.

8. Improves Posture And Coordination.

As powerful as Medical Massage Therapy can be, in certain cases it may be contraindicated. Please consult with your physician or health care provider to determine the appropriate treatment protocol.


The most common conditions treated by Medical Massage Practitioners

Frozen Shoulder

Whiplash Injuries

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Scar Tissue

Plantar Fasciitis

Ankle Sprains

Achilles Tendonitis

Low Back Pain


Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Complicated Knee Pain

Hamstring Strains

Carpal Tunnel

Upper Back Pain

Tennis Elbow

Shin Splints


Meniscus Tears

SI Joint Dysfunction

Mid Back Pain

Bulging Discs

ITB Friction Syndrome